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DEAR JARVELLE: I know Social Security pays a $255 death benefit to the family of someone who dies. Who exactly is eligible to receive this benefit? If I am eligible, how do I apply? Thank you. Brooklyn, NY - USA
The death benefit is a lump sum, paid upon the death of a person who worked long enough to qualify for Social Security benefits. The benefit goes to the surviving spouse who was living in that person's household at the time of death, or, if living apart, was receiving certain Social Security benefits on the deceased's record. If there is no eligible spouse, the $255 may go to a child who is eligible for benefits on the deceased/'s record in the month of death. If there is no qualifying recipient, there is no payment - not even the funeral home. To apply, call 1-800-772-1213 or contact your local Social Security Office (Source: AARP)
DEAR JARVELLE: I've been with my boyfriend for over 20 years. We have a 10 year old son. He has been a widower for a long time (before we got together) and had a girl with his late wife. My family is upset with me and wants me to leave him because he doesn't ask me to marry him. Furthermore, we don't live together. I love him a lot and am so confused right now. Should I leave him or stay with him? Please advise! ----- CONFUSED from Florida USA.
Dear Confused: After 20 years, obviously you know this man. You mentioned you love him; is the love mutual? If he loves you, has he been faithful? If he has been faithful, have you two ever spoken about marriage? Sometimes men don't talk about marriage simply because They're afraid (afraid of rejection, commitment, etc.) not because they don't want to. I suggest that you raise the subject (if you never did) and see how he responds. Communication is always the best way in a relationship.
With Jarvelle
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